Featured Events

Durham Immigration Calendar

May 2023

Events List

(3 Results Found)
May 10, 2023  to  May 10, 2023
10 May
YGAP - Financial Literacy & Gambling Employment

1:00 PM| Online

This workshop provides a comprehensive look at how gambling relates to and can impact personal finances including a discussion on gambling debt and bankruptcy. We will further the conversation by focusing on how to build a budget, needs vs wants and how to be a wise consumer. We will explore the more unconventional ways in which gambling exists in the financial market such as day trading and the gamification of the stock market through the use of apps.

10 May
Teen Advisory Group (Bowmanville) Learning

3:00 PM| 163 Church St., Bowmanville ON

[Grades 7-12; Ages 12-18]

Bowmanville Branch
Second Wednesday of each month (March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14)
3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Drop in; no registration required.

Earn volunteer hours at the library! We are looking for enthusiastic youth in grades 7-12 to join our new Teen Advisory Groups (TAG). TAG members will have a say in library programs and services for teens, assist with children's programs, learn leadership skills, and more!

Students who attend TAG meetings will receive additional volunteer opportunities throughout the year!

More info: www.clarington-library.on.ca/node/3678

10 May
Clarington Crafters (Bowmanville) Fun

6:30 PM| 163 Church St., Bowmanville ON


Bowmanville Branch
Second Wednesday of the month; March 8, April 12, May 10
6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Drop in; no registration required. No charge.

Bring your own hand-held craft project to work on while getting to know other crafters at the library. Have fun socializing and sharing your work with others.

More information: www.clarington-library.on.ca/node/3635

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